
Almighty Legends - Action Figures

Created by Almighty Legends

Enter the world of Almighty Legends, where ancient truth and myth tell a story beyond time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Going into the Holiday weekend with a Bang! - Updates for July.
10 months ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 05:40:10 PM

Hello backers,

We have some exciting updates and important information to share regarding the production of our Almighty Legends Action Figures. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Seraphim Head prints are now in for the Angels in Flight all-in backers! We kindly request that these all-in backers provide us with their shipping addresses ASAP.
  2. We have a special offer for the Angels in Flight All In Backers! For $50 shipped, you can get the other two head sculpts - Ophanim and Battle Damaged Michael. Don't miss out on completing your collection with this fantastic deal.
  1. Our team is working diligently on making changes to the Sculpt of Gabriel and Azrael. We are confident that the updates will enhance their overall look and quality.
  1. The 3D sculpting process for Michael and Famine is underway, including the armor and heads. We're aiming to have some exciting progress to share with you by Power Con.
  2. Mark your calendars for these upcoming shows where you can catch a glimpse of our action figures:
    Maine Cosplay Extravaganza on July 8th and 9th. Visit their website at for more details.
    ChrisCon '23 on July 30th. Find out more information on their Facebook page:
    PowerCon from August 11th to 13th. Get all the details at
  3. We will be locking in orders for Kickstarter backers on July 15th, so please ensure your orders are finalized by then. The pre-order store will remain open for now, allowing others to join in on the action.
  4. Don't forget about our limited-time Charity Figure! It's available now, and by purchasing it, you'll be supporting a great cause.
  1. Exciting news for comic book enthusiasts! The comic book has officially started, along with a mini-comic. Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting additions to the Almighty Legends universe.
  2. We're also working on a new clamshell interior for the packaging, ensuring it's both visually appealing and well-protected.

That's it for now, backers! Thank you for your continued support. We'll keep you updated on all the progress and exciting developments with the Almighty Legends Action Figures.

Best regards, The Almighty Legends Team

We have some really exciting news to share!
11 months ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 08:22:11 AM

Thank you all again for backing this project and continuing your support through the BackerKit Pre-Order store. We have 68% of the surveys completed and over $10K pledged to the Pre-Order store.  I am currently finalizing the Retail Sales grids so we can open sales to more retail outlets.  Also, design changes have been sent to Production, which I think you all are going to like very much. We should see some results within the next 20 days.

I will be going on a few Youtube shows next week to announce some pretty amazing items that we are working on for you all. Make sure to tune in starting on Sunday night (East Coast Time) for Lazy Boyz Sundays with @blitz_figz on YouTube at 7pm EST followed by Yimbo Reviews Everything at 8pm. 

Also, be sure to check out an early concept sculpt of Famine ( Available in the BackerKit pre-order store).  What I love about this figure is that the Pauldron/shoulder armor is meant to cover the Blank Vessel figure's head for extra playability.

Surveys Take Flight and BackerKit is Up! - Plus a reminder about shipping.
12 months ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 04:45:56 PM

We are ready to go!!

Backerkit surveys are on their way to everyone.  We truly are grateful for all your support and can't wait to bring these figures to your homes. We have also opened up the Pre Order store which will allow us to offer more items that we hope you will like as well.

This is a quick reminder about shipping charges, you will see your associated payment as a credit in the surveys. We are charging shipping on the items later, you can leave the credit on the order to cover your shipping costs later. Or use it on add-ons now and pay shipping later when it's added. 

Thank you again!

God Bless

- Dacre

Smoke may be billowing, but the Pre Orders are going to be Fire!
12 months ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 07:44:21 PM

Hey Everyone! 

So here we are after almost a month and it truly has been a surreal and fantastical experience so far since April 7th- still in shock that we are going to be making action figures!

I'm currently having some difficulty with the BackerKit helpdesk agents and their response time when trying to correct issues that we find in order to create something memorable and hopefully, Legendary for you all.  I know that at the end of the Smoke Test, there is going to be one hell of a Pre-Order store which you can currently preview right now. 

BackerKit Store

Sneaky Peeky

Keep in mind, it's not completely ready to go until we send out the surveys next week.  One of the aforementioned issues that we are running into in the Pre-Order section is that there is a $5 Shipping charge per SKU. They (BackerKit) have yet to correct this issue and the helpdesk is closed until Monday. 

The other issue is that you will see a required prompt to enter your payment information regardless of whether or not you still owe funds. This does not mean you will be charged. In order for us to apply shipping fees for our international backers at a later date, we are using BackerKit's "Charge Shipping Later" feature but this feature cannot be applied to only international backers as it is a feature that has to be applied across all backers.  This is creating a credit for the Kickstarter backers which is totally understandable, but it's more than what people were charged for in the campaign (an extra $13). I just need to know if Backerkit is going to honor that $13 as an incentive.

We've also started a weekly Podcast with updates on the line along with discussing the world of collectibles and creating action figures along with amazing toy hauls and deals. Coffee and Collectibles will be on our Instagram and Whatnot(as Lowlight27) Channels, then posted on Youtube. Thursday mornings at 10AM. Stay tuned for updates.

Thank you all again for helping create Almighty Legends.

Best - 

Dacre the Toy Maker

Is that Smoke I smell? BackerKit update
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 03:15:29 PM

Hello everyone! 

We have been working on the BackerKit and learning the ins and out of that platform. 

It was quite an interesting experience, but luckily we are at the point where we are able to test the smoke and just sent out some of the surveys. Hopefully, those that get them will see some exciting pieces that we are adding to the BackerKit. Thank you again for taking this amazing journey with me to create a brand new and unique action figure line from the ground up! 


